Christ Church Accokeek
Why Pray?
A course on prayer
September 15 - November 10, 2017
Christ Church offered a course on prayer throughout the fall of 2017 simply titled Why Pray? We met most Friday nights September 15 to November 10 (not October 6) This page includes an outline of the entire course as well as recordings and handouts from all the sessions.
Here is the outline of the course and its speakers.
Recordings & Handouts:
September 15. Father Brian on Prayer: Just do it! Talk & handout
September 22. Bishop MacPherson on Threefold Prayer: Talk
September 29. Father Brian on The Psalms: the heartbeat of prayer: Talk & handout
October 13. Ann Bodling on Prayer and Spiritual Direction: Talk & handout
October 20. Chuck and Ann Cook on prayer for healing from Falls Church Anglican: Talk & handouts
October 27. Father Brian on the Questions we ask God: Talk & handout
November 3. Father Steven Peay on the History of the Prayer Book Offices: Talk & powerpoint presentation
November 4. Father Steven Peay Quiet Day on Lectio Divina, how to pray Scripture. Talk, Southwell litany & Lectio Divina handout
November 11. Beth Bogard Vander Wel on praying in silence: talk & handout. Father Brian also led a discussion wrapping up the course. See this document for his summary of the material and questions for reflection.