Christ Church Accokeek
The Rev. Father Brian Vander Wel
43rd Rector of Christ Church
As his last name suggests, Father Brian (or Pastor Brian, if you prefer) comes from Dutch ancestory. He grew up in the Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, MI graduating from Calvin College in 1990 with a B.A. in philosophy.
In 1992, he became the lay-campus ministry at Church of the Ascension in Pittsburgh, PA with the Coalition for Christ Outreach. It was there that his deep love and commitment to Anglicanism began. Through the leadership of The Rev. Dr. J. Douglas McGlynn, Church of the Ascension embodied much of the best of what the evangelical, catholic and charismatic traditions of the Church offer. He was confirmed an Episcopalian in January, 1993.
In 1996, he began his seminary training at Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry where he graduated in 1999 with a Masters of Divinity with Honors. He was ordained deacon, then priest by The Right Rev. Robert Duncan in the same year. After spending a couple of years serving short-term and temporary positions in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, he became Assistant to the Rector (later Associate Rector) in 2001 at Christ Episcopal Church in Charlottesville, VA. He served there until he was elected Rector of Christ Church in Accokeek and began serving in January of 2007.
It was in Pittsburgh in 1993 that he met and married his wife, Beth. She gave birth to their son, Doug, in 2004 in Charlottesville.
Father Brian is deeply committed to people knowing and loving God, through his Son, Jesus Christ.

Christ Church
About us. Established in 1698, Christ Church is a parish of Jesus Christ’s one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church within the tradition of the Church established in England (circa A.D. 200). We are a congregation of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic of the Anglican Church in North America and a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion comprising nearly 85 million people. We are also an affiliate parish of the American Anglican Council. In all we do, we seek to live biblically faithful lives.
For more information about Christ Church:
Click here for a video from our 2018 Mission to Kentucky.
Click here for a brief history of Christ Church's first 300 years.
Click here for reflections from a previous Rector, The Rev. Roland Jones.
Click here for a history written in the 1960s.
Click here for a history of our former school, Canterbury.
Click here for pictures of our grounds.
Click here for historic photos.
Click here for the building survey.
Click here and here for statements that Christ Church generally supports.
Click here for our cemetery bylaws.
Click here, here, here and here to see who is buried in our cemetery.